Clear thinking to help solve environmental problems

What does “Equanimator” mean?

You can credit my wife, Rita, for the name. “Equanimity” speaks of remaining calm, or composed, in difficult situations. So, Equanimator brings about that state - of calmness and composure - by helping to understand, and deal with difficult problems. Some eggs might be broken along the way…

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Equanimator is where you’ll find Dominic Hogg

Dominic lives in Bristol in the Southwest of the United Kingdom with his wife, Rita, who is a writer and healer.

He works from a small office in Bristol. He’s undertaking research to underpin specific ideas, summarised in blogs. He’s also available for advisory work or consultancy on issues of a strategic nature, or on policy design.

On this website

Unless you’ve spent the last 50 years (or if you’re less than 50, your whole life) living under a stone, you’ll have noticed we’re facing some major environmental crises.

This website offers some thinking about what’s happening, what’s wrong, and how we might fix it. If anyone reading something, or watching something here finds it triggers some action, great. If I can help support that, I will try to. Please contact me.

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